A group of crop shirts featuring butterfly designs, a tan tank top and a purple and yellow butterfly. Background include a pastel gradient frame in greens and grays. Done on a plain tan summer backdrop with the Tiny Blue Fish Finder's Circle logo

2001: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

Blue Fish Clothing 2001 ~ Pre - Production Information: “Our raison d’etre at Blue Fish is to support self-expressive dressing as a path to encourage self-exploration and personal growth.  Blue Fish...
A Creative of The Picnic Dress adorned by colorful circles and geometric shapes on a gradient frame like background. Done on a yellow and gray backdrop with the Blue Fish Finder's Circle logo on the bottom and a blue and tan gradient backdrop.

2000: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

Blue Fish Clothing 2000 – Wholesale Line Sheets “There is power in examination and truth in motion.”  ~ Excerpt from the 2000 Resort Catalog The year 2000 was chaos. The...
Two vintage Blue Fish Pajama pieces made from Thick Flannel featuring unadorned pants and a pale Blue shirt with a patchwork design. Done on a polka dotted yellow backdrop with the Blue Fish Finder's Circle logo on a gradient background.

1999: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

Blue Fish Clothing 1999 – Wholesale Line Sheets “Speak to the Earth in a language beyond words…Your Actions.”  ~Excerpt from the 1999 Summer Catalog In Spring of 1999, Blue Fish...
A blue dress with a floral border and the Tea 4 Two art center, featuring a close-up of a logo and flowers on a background in a pastel gradient mat from Bluefishfinder.com. Done on a bright white backdrop with the Blue Fish Finder's Circle logo.

1998: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

Blue Fish Clothing 1998 ~ Wholesale Line Sheets “We are inspired by the growing deep expansive & timeless Stories.” ~Excerpt from the 1998 Spring Catalog 1998 was missing half of...
A poster featuring the Love Letter vest, showcasing a grey vest with a design, a grey shirt with floral accents, and close-ups of a flower, logo, leaf, and flowers. Done on a bright white backdrop with the Blue Fish Finder's Circle logo.

1997: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

Blue Fish Clothing 1997 ~ Wholesale Line Sheets “We are all beautiful when we believe in ourselves.”  ~ Excerpt from the 1997 Fall Catalog Blue Fish raised about 3 million...
A unique graphic design on a yellow cropped tee shirt from 1991 text stating, "Old But Gold.", A Blend of tans support the background in a pastel gradient matting The Blue Fish Finder's Circle logo and text surround the edges with dried flower accents.

1996: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

Blue Fish Clothing 1996 ~ Wholesale Line Sheets “I grew up on a small farm in Pennsylvania. I can remember dyeing (the very clothes that I was wearing) with purple mulberries,...
A pink baby doll dress called the Hopscotch dress from 1995 is displayed with a flower design and front drop pocket featuring a close-up of a flower and a colorful flower and circles. Background is pastel gradient matting of lavenders, Pinks and Blues.

1995: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

“Together our hands and hearts, Blue Fish grows change in positivity in the things we believe in.” ~Excerpt from the 1995 Summer Catalog, not included in this packet
A close-up of a dress called the Dance Dress from the Winter Collection of 1995. A square design and  the bluefishfinder circle logo background adorn a pastel gradient Frame depicting Watercolor leaves and the Blue Fish Finder circle logo.

1994: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

“Haiku joins heaven + earth, walk quietly, quickly comes the Slowing, Falling leaves and constellations call miro mysteries…Mind turns everywhere.”  ~Excerpt from the 1994 Fall I wholesale line sheet
A vintage brown thermal called the collar Top from the winter of 1993 is displayed with an oversized collar and matching buttons on a flower design with a background in a pastel gradient Frame of greens and yellows. Flowers grow from the center.

1993: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

“Creatures are magical today…always! (laugh), Light.  Freedom of expression.  Ourselves.  Ideas…actions…truth + caring for people and all.” ~Excerpt from the 1993 Catalog
A long sleeved shirt with shoe art and a watercolor branch background is surrounded by a pastel gradient Frame. The tee one huge center block print with lower additional prints. The Blue Fish Finder Circle logo graces the lower right corner of the frame.

1992: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

"Once upon a time in 1992 in America on planet Earth, there was a limited Holiday line dyed Black-Sand:  A warm rich black:  Alternative … The styles were simple + Beauty-full-Hand Block printed by imaginative artists in Deep, mysterious colors & metallic tones equals irresistible, yes…and these clothes made people feel good and special, and we saw them smiling …” ~ Excerpt from the Holiday 1992 wholesale line sheet, which is the last page of 1992 ~
A pair of shorts from the Summer collection of 1991 is displayed with a floral design background in a pastel gradient Frame. The Knicker has gathered lowers and a drawcord waistline. They are a mid length short with a vintage bloomer vibe.

1991: Vintage Blue Fish Clothing Production Notes

“Each piece of clothing tells a story of powers through ideas and memories in symbolism of the past, the present, and the unknowable next ideas of sharing and stories and pictures.”  ~Excerpt from the only 1991 Catalog